Shavuot Prayer Gathering

We know we need change. We cry for it, we stand for it, we long for it, and yet when it comes, it’s a consuming fire that will burn off impurities, refine us. One moment in the authentic presence of Yahweh’s love changes our lives forever, and continues to today. Can you imagine a fresh fire of God’s love, God’s Sprit - wrecking, burning, blazing FIRE, destroying ALL DARKNESS that seeks to kill and destroy lives? Fire igniting passion, joy, and propelling the changes in our lives that we so long for. That supernatural FIRE I’m speaking of, begins as we humble our hearts enough to ask for it, to ask for help. When we call out to our Creator, our Maker, and ask for intervention, for transformation in our lives. Are you tired of being tired, overwhelmed, tired of death, of sickness, of another overdoes, another loved one lost, another act of violence, poverty, the imbalance of wealth, injustice, racism? So many are calling out for justice right now – change now!
When we gather in UNITY, in prayer, it releases a move of that Holy Spirit Fire that begins to work in our lives and bring about that changes we so long for, that no pill can offer, no politician, no physician, no person, no job, no money could ever accomplish. God’s Fire is a flame that spreads, that ignites, that moves, and how many of us desire more of that? We petition for change, we organize, we seek, we call out for it, but so often we are seeking the help of men and women, who may have earthly authority, but are just as powerless over these monumental issues as we are. No man can fix another man’s heart, and stop them from getting that next fix, or from another act of violence, and these things are much out of our control, BUT God works on the hearts. True and lasting change is possible with God. God’s power can shift a heart in a second, and forever. In one moment. But God operates by invitation. That is our free will, and also where we come in. We can choose to ask, choose to seek, Higher help, Higher wisdom, transforming FIRE!
Saturday, May 19th, 7-10, we will do just that, at our home at Taos Pueblo. We’re pitching a tent and will gather once again, this time, during Shavuot, aka Pentecost, when historically the Holy Spirit descended on the upper room, as disciples gathered to pray in Unity. We will petition the one that holds it ALL, we will pray together, and then we will eat together! Will you join?! We will call on that transforming, Holy Ghost FIRE, to move, to burn, to ignite, to flow, to explode in our hearts, and communities. My friends we stand at the cusp of a Great Awakening, the time is NOW!!! The Earth is crying out for redemption, for justice. Will you stand with me? We are better together!!! There is strength in numbers, there is multiplied power in agreement, and we AGREE we need Divine intervention, a fresh outpouring in our lives - change, healing, redemption, reconciliation. Now is the time. Together we RISE!!! Together we can call for the changes we so long for, together we can pray and stand for our loved ones, our community, our world.